Profile: Hattie Canty
Posted OnFebruary 14, 2020 byIn partnership with the national AFL-CIO and historical societies, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO honors African Americans who have made a significant impact in the labor and civil rights movements. We hope you meet them all. Today: Hattie Canty, who not only fought to make sure that working people got paid the living wages they…Read More
Profile: Lucy Gonzales Parsons
Posted OnFebruary 13, 2020 byIn partnership with the national AFL-CIO and historical societies, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO honors African Americans who have made a significant impact in the labor and civil rights movements. We hope you meet them all. Today: Lucy Gonzales Parsons, who, during the Haymarket Riot, became active in the campaign to free the men. She…Read More
Building Trades Job Fair in Hillside Feb. 19
Posted OnFebruary 12, 2020 byWould you like to become a union construction worker? Check out this job fair!Read More
Profile: Bree Newsome
Posted OnFebruary 12, 2020 byIn partnership with the national AFL-CIO and historical societies, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO honors African Americans who have made a significant impact in the labor and civil rights movements. We hope you meet them all. Today: Bree Newsome, an American filmmaker and activist. Newsome’s activism reached a peak in 2015 when she took down…Read More
UFCW Local 360 gets workers, employers together, and gets out the vote
Posted OnFebruary 11, 2020 byUFCW Local 360 hosted a Union-Employer Job Fair on Oct. 11, 2019. Eighteen employers whose staffs we represent participated: grocery stores, pharmacies, nursing homes, food manufacturers and municipalities It was a success, and we will be doing it again. We educated the public about our union and about how having a union job and being…Read More
Turnpike Supervisors gift drive for Troopers Assisting Troops
Posted OnFebruary 11, 2020 byToys and gifts were collected by members of Local 200/200A under the leadership of President Michale Calleo at the 2019 Holiday Party. [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”2″ display=”basic_slideshow”]Read More
Smith votes to preserve PRO Act
Posted OnFebruary 11, 2020 byRep. Chris Smith, R-4th District, voted twice against proposed amendments that would have put Right to Work for Less into the PRO Act. In casting his pro-labor votes, he stood for the best interests of working families and bucked his party. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO congratulates Smith, a longtime supporter of New Jersey’s laborers….Read More
Profile: William Lucy
Posted OnFebruary 11, 2020 byIn partnership with the national AFL-CIO and historical societies, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO honors African Americans who have made a significant impact in the labor and civil rights movements. We hope you meet them all. Today: William Lucy, who, as international secretary-treasurer of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) for…Read More
Van Drew tries to get Right to Work for Less into PRO Act
Posted OnFebruary 10, 2020 byRep. Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd District, voted twice to put Right to Work for Less into the PRO Act that the House of Representatives passed last week. Fortunately for working families, the effort failed. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO is disappointed that Van Drew would take such an anti-worker position. The state AFL-CIO has endorsed…Read More
Malinowski to Kean: Don’t score points on the backs of New Jersey’s working families
Posted OnFebruary 10, 2020 byKean opposes the Protecting the Right to Organize Act A statement from the Malinowski for Congress Campaign The House of Representatives on Feb. 6, 2020, passed the bipartisan Protecting the Right to Organize Act, landmark legislation that enhances working conditions by strengthening collective-bargaining rights. Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-7th District, joined the entire New Jersey House…Read More