Yesterday at the State House: “Lame Duck” Session Comes to an End With Legislative Wins for New Jersey Workers
Posted OnJanuary 14, 2020 byAs of Jan. 13, 2020, several pieces of pro-worker legislation have now passed both houses and are on Governor Murphy’s desk for consideration. The governor has seven days after the conclusion of the legislative session to take action on these bills. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO thanks legislative leadership, the sponsors of these bills, affiliated…Read More
New Jersey AFL-CIO Thanks Governor for Signing Railroad Crossing Safety Law
Posted OnJanuary 10, 2020 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO thanks Gov. Phil Murphy for signing into law S-3425 / A-4958, an important safety measure for motorists and railroad operators alike, which was championed by our sisters and brothers of SMART-TD, UTU. The law requires railroad operators to remove obstructive vegetation near railroad crossings. It was sponsored by New Jersey…Read More
Take Action! Ask Your House Representative to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act
Posted OnJanuary 9, 2020 byCongress has a critical opportunity to strengthen workers’ rights. The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act has 219 bipartisan sponsors and co-sponsors in the U.S. House of Representatives and would give millions of workers additional protections to organize and negotiate for better pay and benefits, and a voice on the job. Tell Congress to…Read More
Take Action Now! To Save Call Center Jobs. Assembly to Vote Monday
Posted OnJanuary 8, 2020 byIt’s Go Time for the New Jersey Assembly to save call center jobs in the state. A-1992 is coming up for a vote in the full Assembly, Monday, Jan. 13, and it’s critical that it passes. Why? Call center jobs are being sent overseas from New Jersey, eliminating positions that support hard-working American families. And…Read More
Labor’s Election Victories Continue to Rise
Posted OnJanuary 7, 2020 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO congratulates our sisters and brothers who have taken on new titles and responsibilities in 2020. The AFL-CIO takes pride in their accomplishments and is deeply grateful for their service to Garden State working families as elected and appointed officials. In Stratford, brother Steve Gandy of IBEW 351 took his place…Read More
Please Watch: Postal Workers and AFL-CIO Leaders Presenting Petition for New Postmaster
Posted OnJanuary 6, 2020 byThe American Postal Workers Union is livestreaming its petition delivery event today. The Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service’s petition for a new Postmaster General who values the public Postal Service reached 400,000 signatures! The event will be about 15 minutes, starting at noon in front of USPS headquarters in L’Enfant Plaza. The livestream will be…Read More
Take Action! Ask Your Assembly Members to Support the Save New Jersey Call Center Jobs Act
Posted OnJanuary 3, 2020 byCall center jobs are being sent overseas from New Jersey, eliminating positions that support hard-working American families. And – believe it or not! – certain corporations are getting “job creation” tax breaks from the state Economic Development Authority as a result. If the bill is enacted, corporations can still send call center jobs overseas….Read More
ATU Selects Raymond Greaves As International Vice President
Posted OnDecember 31, 2019 byAmalgamated Transit Union (ATU) New Jersey State Council Chair Raymond Greaves has been appointed by International President John A. Costa with approval by the ATU General Executive Board as an International Vice President. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO congratulates our brother and commends ATU President Costa and the General Executive Board for a worthy choice….Read More
USMCA: How Your Representatives Voted
Posted OnDecember 20, 2019 byEight New Jersey members of the House voted in favor of the USMCA, while four voted against it. The House of Representatives voted Thursday in favor of a new trade deal for North America on a bipartisan vote of 385-41, with a large majority of Democrats voting in favor of the deal, even though the…Read More
USMCA Clears House; Cadillac Tax on Benefits Repealed
Posted OnDecember 19, 2019 byThe House of Representatives voted Thursday in favor of a new trade deal for North America on a bipartisan vote of 385-41, with a large majority of Democrats voting in favor of the deal, even though the party has long disliked massive trade bills like the North American Free Trade Agreement that the new deal,…Read More