Solidarity Alert Shore Nurses Union, Somers Point – One Day Strike on 11/26/19!
Posted OnNovember 25, 2019 byShore Medical Center Nurses/NYSNA working at Shore Medical Center (formerly Shore Memorial Hospital), is planning a one day strike tomorrow beginning at 7:00 am to advocate for exceptional patient care, safe staffing, and a fair contract. The Shore Nurses Union represents more than 340 registered nurses at Shore Medical Center in Somers Point. Shore Medical…Read More
President Wowkanech’s Statement on Congressman Norcross’ Pension Position
Posted OnNovember 25, 2019 byNew Jersey State AFL-CIO President Charles Wowkanech supports Congressman Norcross’ position to work together to uphold the state’s commitment toward a sustainable pension system for public workers. We believe the right approach is to work with Congressman Norcross to facilitate a meeting between the Murphy Administration, labor leaders and Legislative Leadership, to foster a productive…Read More
November 18 Legislative Advisory
Posted OnNovember 18, 2019 byLegislative Advisory: Today at the State House Package of Legislation Seeking to Address the Misclassification of Independent Contractors Clears the Assembly Labor Committee The Assembly Labor Committee released seven bills today seeking to reform the broken system by which certain employers intentionally misclassify their employees as independent contractors. Certain employers do this in order to…Read More
Union Sister Rue Ryan Wins Close Election for Lumberton Council
Posted OnNovember 14, 2019 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO is proud to congratulate our sister, Rue Ryan, a member of CWA Local 1036, for her election to the Lumberton Township Committee. Another example that every vote counts, on Election Night this election was too close to call and went down to provisional and mail-in ballots. After all the ballots…Read More
Legislative Advisory: Today at the State House
Posted OnNovember 14, 2019 byMISCLASSIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, CONTRACTOR WAGE PAYMENT ENFORCEMENT, AND APPRENTICESHIP BILLS PASSED FROM THE SENATE LABOR COMMITTEE. The Senate Labor Committee released three pro-labor bills today. We are thankful to Chairman Fred Madden (D-4) for posting the bills for consideration and to the sponsors for their leadership. S-4204 (Sweeney): Similar to recently enacted AB-5 in…Read More
Election Day Is Tomorrow. Labor Will Get Out the Vote!
Posted OnNovember 4, 2019 byTomorrow, New Jersey voters will go to the polls to elect a State Senator, all 80 State Assembly members, and countless county and municipal offices throughout the state. Over the past 10 weekends, our dedicated labor volunteers knocked over 255 thousand doors to let union households know which candidates will fight for working families. These…Read More
3 Days Left: Making the Voice of Labor Heard on Election Day
Posted OnNovember 2, 2019 byWith only three days to go, this morning over 1,446 union volunteers came out and knocked on union household doors to get out the vote for one State Senate and all 80 Assembly seats, as well as 67 endorsed labor candidates. By showing our strength on the Saturday Labor Walks and on Election Day, we…Read More
In Memoriam: Former Congressman Bill Hughes
Posted OnOctober 31, 2019 byTrenton – New Jersey State AFL-CIO President Charles Wowkanech issued the following statement on the passing of former Congressman Bill Hughes: “Congressman Hughes was respected on both sides of the aisle and will be remembered as a tireless advocate of the constituents he represented in the 2nd District for over 20 years,” Wowkanech said. “I express…Read More
Election Day Is 10 Days Out: Labor Gets Out the Word!
Posted OnOctober 26, 2019 byWith all the news coming out of Washington and everywhere else, it’s easy to miss that in just 10 days, New Jersey voters will go to the polls to vote for positions from State Senate to School Boards. That’s why today, over 1,539 union members came out and talked with fellow union members to make…Read More
Federal Legislative Advisory: Pro Act
Posted OnOctober 25, 2019 byEntire NJ Congressional Delegation Now Sponsors of the PRO ACT – Congressman Smith Becomes First Republican in the Country to Sign On 10 of 12 Members of the NJ House Congressional Delegation are also Sponsors of the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act (Legislation Addressing the “Janus” Decision) The New Jersey State AFL-CIO is proud…Read More