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Committee on Political Education (COPE)

Every year, the affiliated union organizations that comprise the New Jersey State AFL-CIO vote on which election candidates to endorse based on voting records and working family issues. the New Jersey labor movement has a proud history of supporting candidates who support working families. working in partnership with the New Jersey State AFL-CIO’s political department, the state’s central labor councils and affiliated local unions, the Committee on Political Education (COPE) makes every effort to educate union members and their families about these endorsements and why they were made.

Working in partnership with the AFL-CIO Political Department, New Jersey’s Central Labor Councils, Building Trades Councils and affiliated local unions, our COPE program coordinates a statewide effort to educate union members about our endorsements and the benefits of voting for candidates who will put working families first.

COPE also manages the New Jersey State AFL-CIO Labor Candidates Program. Launched in 1997, the Labor Candidates Program recruits, trains and mentors union members running for public office. To date, the program has guided 1,280 election victories for union members. Our Labor Candidates hold offices at nearly every level of federal, state, county and local government — from U.S. House of Representatives to state Senate and Assembly to county commissioner and local mayor, council and school board.


Labor 2023

Vote by Mail

Labor Candidates Program

Code U