The New Jersey State AFL-CIO today supported ILA Local 1478-2 as they seek to maintain their members’ jobs. These works produce paper bags, which are currently banned for use by large employers at businesses such as supermarkets.
The bill (S-3413: Cryan) was released unanimously from the Senate Commerce Committee by a vote of 5-0. Voting in favor were Senators Johnson (D-37), Singer (R-30), Bramnick (R-21), Cryan (D-20) and Lagana (D-38). The legislation would allow the use of paper bags (plastic bags would continue to be banned under the bill) as long as they contain a certain amount of recycled content.
Three years ago, single use plastic and paper bags were banned in New Jersey and the manufacturers of these products, and subsequently the workers employed by them, were negatively impacted with job loss and reduced hours. Duro Bag (Novolex) based in Elizabeth is a good union employer that values its workforce and is represented by the ILA. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO supported the bill in committee and thanks the Senators for voting in favor as well as Sen. Joseph Cryan for his leadership on this issue.