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1. Know Your Rights

Federal and state laws guarantee the right to form unions. Employees have the right to express their views on unions, to talk with their co-workers about their interest in forming a union, to wear union buttons, to attend union meetings and to exercise their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and freedom of association.

Many employers may resist organizing efforts. So, before you start talking union where you work, we encourage you to get in touch with a union that will help you organize.

Please Note: Supervisors and a few other kinds of employees customarily are excluded from coverage; for more information, see specific laws covering your position or contact a union organizer.




2. Find Out Which Union is Right for You

In order to form a union, you will need the assistance of the union you are seeking to join. If you haven’t already decided which union is best for you, research the unions affiliated with the New Jersey State AFL-CIO.

Still can’t decide? No problem. Contact us or call us toll-free at 1-866-OK-UNION (1-866-658-6466). Tell us the type of work you do, the number of employees at your worksite and its location, and we’ll help you out.
All information provided will be strictly confidential.




3. Get in Touch with a Union Organizer

Once you have figured out which union you want to join, contact them and explain your situation. The union will then put you in touch with an organizer to assist you in your efforts.


I consider it important, indeed urgently necessary, for intellectual workers
to get together, both to protect their own economic status and, also,
generally speaking, to secure their influence in the political field.

– Albert Einstein

Founding member of Princeton Federation
of Teachers Local 552