NJ State AFL-CIO thanks Democratic House members for voting for HEROES Act
Posted OnMay 18, 2020 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO thanks and commends the Democratic members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for voting to pass the HEROES Act, a major piece of pro-labor legislation that would aid working families who continue to struggle during the coronavirus pandemic. The 1,800-page legislation passed 208-199 on Friday, May 15. The…Read More
Every vote counts as NJ State AFL-CIO celebrates 1,090 Labor Candidate victories
Posted OnMay 18, 2020 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO congratulates Weldon Montague, a Labor 2020 candidate and union brother with CWA 1037, who won a nail-biter of an election to an at-large seat on the City of Orange Township Council. On May 12, Brother Weldon was up by only one vote. When the final vote-by-mail ballots were received and…Read More
District 1199J thanks and honors frontline heroes with drive-by Solidarity parades
Posted OnMay 15, 2020 by[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”13″ display=”pro_horizontal_filmstrip”]How do you thank frontline health care workers for their lifesaving and life-affirming work? For the sisters and brothers of District 1199J, National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, one answer is simple: With heroes parades. Flying Solidarity flags, shaking pompons and waving from behind their cars’ closed windows…Read More
New Jersey State AFL-CIO applauds State Senate for passing coronavirus workers comp reform
Posted OnMay 15, 2020 byUrges Assembly to support infected essential workers and pass the bill The New Jersey State AFL-CIO thanks the New Jersey State Senate for passing S-2380, which would make reforms to the “burden of proof” standard so workers infected with coronavirus at their place of employment will not be denied workers compensation benefits. The bill, sponsored by…Read More
Tell Congress: Support H.R. 6800, the HEROES Act
Posted OnMay 15, 2020 byH.R. 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, includes an emergency workplace infectious disease standard; gives aid for state and local governments, public schools, the U.S. Postal Service, and pension funding relief; keeps workers on payrolls to avoid mass layoffs; extends unemployment insurance; provides more direct payments to working people; extends health…Read More
Atlantic City workers get solidarity, emotional boost from union members at food distribution
Posted OnMay 14, 2020 by[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”12″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”]The New Jersey State AFL-CIO thanks volunteers from every sector of labor who toiled and generously donated funds in the spirit of solidarity to bring courtesy, friendliness and, most of all, dignity to Atlantic City casino industry workers and other community members along with much-needed foodstuffs. Two months after the coronavirus pandemic…Read More
New Jersey State AFL-CIO Labor Candidates win in municipal elections
Posted OnMay 13, 2020 byThe voice of working families is amplified The New Jersey State AFL-CIO congratulates our two Labor 2020 candidates who won their local races in New Jersey’s elections May 12, 2020. When labor candidates run, labor candidates win. Sister Jamillah Beasley of IUOE 68 has won a full term on the Irvington Township Municipal Council after…Read More
Labor Counts! Census 2020 holds the key to New Jersey families’ future
Posted OnMay 13, 2020 byHave you answered your Census 2020 questionnaire? The New Jersey State AFL-CIO and all of your brothers and sisters are counting on you. The census means money. Information from the census tells the government where to send funds to fight epidemics like the coronavirus, to recover from disasters like Superstorm Sandy, and to support the…Read More
Action Alert! Please urge state Senate to vote Yes on presumption of infection on job
Posted OnMay 12, 2020 byLEGISLATIVE ADVISORY, MAY 12, 2020 Workers compensation reform legislation for coronavirus-infected workers released from the Senate Labor Committee along party lines Please TAKE ACTION and urge your State Senator to vote “YES” on this bill on Thursday Today, S-2380, sponsored by Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Sens. Robert Singer, R-30th District, and Linda Greenstein, D-14th District,…Read More
NJ AFL-CIO applauds Kim, Norcross and others for bipartisan bill to boost local construction hiring on military bases
Posted OnMay 8, 2020 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO thanks and congratulates U.S. Reps. Andy Kim, D-3rd District, and Donald Norcross, D-1st District, for introducing the bipartisan Put Our Neighbors to Work Act on Friday along with Reps. John Garamendi, D-Calif., and Paul Cook, R-Calif. The state labor federation looks forward to working with them to put more union brothers and sisters…Read More