7 Days – Election Day Volunteers Needed
Posted OnNovember 1, 2022 byPolls show that Congressional races throughout New Jersey have tightened, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. We must act now to recruit volunteers to get-out-the union vote on Election Day! Please send volunteers to the Central Labor Council staging locations listed below on Tuesday, Nov 8. These are start times, arrive early. Keep New Jersey…Read More
Over 1240 Union Volunteers Join Labor Walks to Make a Difference in 2022 Elections
Posted OnOctober 31, 2022 byOver 1240 union volunteers have participated in labor walks this week to make a difference and win this election. Together, we are fighting for union jobs and wages, better healthcare and benefits, and to defend our freedoms and the right to vote!More volunteers are participating each week to educate our sisters and brothers about the importance of voting in the 2022…Read More
Take Action to Stop Worker Healthcare and Property Tax Increases
Posted OnOctober 28, 2022 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO strongly opposes the State Health Benefits Commission’s recent decision to move forward with an unaffordable increase in healthcare costs for public workers. The costs will be born not only by public workers, but also result in higher property taxes throughout the state as counties, municipalities and school districts are forced…Read More
Walk With Us to Victory in the 2022 Mid-terms!
Posted OnOctober 24, 2022 byOur labor walks are the key to victory in this year’s critical mid-term elections, and you can be a part of this historic moment by joining your union sisters and brothers at your next local labor walk! Participation is everything in this election. By volunteering for a labor walk, you amplify the pro-union energy sweeping the country by building networks…Read More
New Jersey State AFL-CIO Urges Senate to Vote for Temporary Worker’s Bill of Rights
Posted OnOctober 24, 2022 byPlease Support A1474 in Concurrence with Governor’s Recommendations The New Jersey State AFL-CIO respectfully urges you to support A1474, the Temporary Worker’s Bill of Rights in concurrence with the Governor’s recommendations. The bill would increase accountability for staffing firms, protect temporary workers against wage theft, pay discrimination and unsafe working conditions, and improve predictability in…Read More
Join The Fight for Union Jobs!
Posted OnOctober 17, 2022 byAmericans across our country are fighting to join unions because workers know that together, we can win better standards of living and working conditions. Voting in this election will send a message from working families to our elected leaders that we want them to support the right to organize and collective bargaining which will result in good paying union…Read More
Resolution Passes State Senate That Would Result in the Outsourcing of Maritime Jobs
Posted OnOctober 17, 2022 byToday, the New Jersey State Senate voted to pass SCR-31 (Pou/ Cruz-Perez/ Ruiz) by a vote of 24-7. The resolution urges Congress and the President to permanently exempt Puerto Rico from the Jones Act. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO, Seafarers International Union (SIU) and the New York / New Jersey Maritime Port Council opposed this resolution and testified against it in the…Read More
RE: Please Vote “No” on SCR-31: American Maritime Workforce Would Suffer Due to “Jones Act” Exclusion
Posted OnOctober 14, 2022 byDear Members of the New Jersey State Senate: Please Vote “No” on SCR-31: American Maritime Workforce Would Suffer Due to “Jones Act” Exclusions The New Jersey State AFL-CIO, Seafarers International Union (SIU) and the New York / New Jersey Maritime Port Council respectfully asks you to stand with America’s maritime workforce in opposing SCR-31 (Sen….Read More
Help Defend Democracy: Join Your Local Labor Walk!
Posted OnOctober 11, 2022 byOur fundamental right-to-vote is under attack all across America. Many states continue to pass discriminatory voter suppression laws designed to restrict access to the ballot, and keep the voices of working people from being heard in elections. While New Jersey is fortunate to have strong laws that assure access to the ballot, only congress can pass legislation…Read More
New Jersey State AFL-CIO Records Gargantuan Volunteer Turnout as Labor Walks Continue to Boost Union Voter Turnout Throughout State
Posted OnOctober 3, 2022 byThe New Jersey State AFL-CIO continued its weekly door-to-door union voter education effort as hundreds of union volunteers gathered in locations around the state before hitting the streets in support of the labor federation’s endorsed candidates. The energy at each location was electric as volunteers caught up with old friends and made new connections before being…Read More